The Beauty Quiz
Posted on 02 February 2018
We all know that there are many kinds of beauty. To acknowledge yours and be able to enhance it is truly a must. Ayo, Ladies - Take this quiz and discover the answer!
What's your favorite makeup product?
a. Lipstick \n b. Eyebrow Pencil \n c. Blush on \n d. I like having no makeup
What is the one thing you would like to get for free?
a. Travel to more than 5 countries. Pick my fav destinations! \n b. Voucher to shop for any beauty products at the mall \n c. Invitation for any Fashion Week events, for sure. \n d. Voucher to shop at the grocery store
One word to describe your style?
a. Chic \n b. Bold \n c. Elegant \n d. Casual
The kind of perfume you like the most is the one with
a. Vanilla Scent \n b. Fruity Scent \n c. Floral Scent \n d. Woody Scent
What's your Must-Have skincare item?
a. Moisturizer, definitely! \n b. Serum is my number 1. \n c. BB Cream – no doubt \n d. Lip balm it is!
Here it is – waktunya menemukan your kind of beauty!
Mostly A's: A Classic-Timeless Beauty \n You have a classic and timeless beauty. Your simple and easygoing personality makes people always adore you. Selalu percaya pada dirimu sendiri adalah salah satu dari kekuatan terbesarmu. Keep up the good spirit, alright! \n \n Mostly B's: A Kind of Exotic Beauty \n Kamu merupakan perempuan yang berani tampil beda. Selalu mengedepankan what is right. And you always have your own way of melakukan hal yang baik serta berarti bagi orang lain. On top of that, you always have the courage untuk melakukan hal yang besar. \n \n Mostly C's: A Bright-Graceful Beauty \n Sifatmu yang selalu membuat orang terpana membuatmu memiliki the bright and graceful beauty. A mature personality is one of the best feature of you. Yang terpenting, kamu juga orang yang selalu menjaga penampilan dan tidak pernah sekalipun what they called ‘underdressed'. \n \n Mostly D's: A Natural-Alluring Beauty \n Yours is definitely a natural-alluring beauty! Personality mu yang cenderung tidak mau ribet membuatmu mencari jalan lain untuk bisa tampil maksimal tanpa dandanan yang terlalu banyak. Walau begitu, without you knowing sebenarnya ada banyak lho orang yang senang dengan apa-adanya kamu, ladies.
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